The twins had a great week last week with lots of growing and learning...All that activity led to a couple dirty kids that needed a bath! A new bed for Finley and baths for them both were on the docket for Saturday.
Harper Lounging |
The Parents... |
Harper |
Finley |
Harper's Bath |
Finn's Bath |
Finley |
After they were clean and shiny, the twins were allowed to co-bed for a few hours and it was just precious. In typical Finn fashion, he laid back and closed his eyes while Harper stared in his face with just such intent interest! It was so cute...
Harper is now at 3 lbs, 14 close to 4 lbs! She's taking the bottle like a champ (they do one bottle a day now!) and feeding well in general. She is really growing up and catching up to her brother. She also continues to show her spunky side to all who interact with her. But man, she can turn on the charm too with her big eyes and smiley cheeks....She's really coming into her own. Oh! And you may have noticed that her nasal cannula is gone...She is officially off all respiratory support and doing fantastically.
The Back Handed Slap! |
Finley is now at 5 lbs, 6 oz but unfortunately he's been cheating a bit since it's mainly bloat and not nutritional gain. He is retaining fluid and his longstanding heart murmur is still apparent BUT all these are "typical" preemie things that he should work through. It is however something he is working on and it is getting in the way of his training at being able to feed without the's something to keep in your prayers.
Finn w/Dad's Hand |
The twins are turning 35 weeks on Tuesday and are really right on track. From what we can tell, it seems we have another few weeks here at the NICU. We are definitely working towards going home and these next couple weeks are going to bring major change. While we never wished for a lengthy NICU stay, it has truly been an amazing journey. We wholeheartily love the staff and have made some special bonds's going to be very sad to leave in some ways but also very exciting. We can't wait to be 100% responsible for these two babies and to truly start our journey as a family of 4.5 : )
First Bottles! |
Harp's First Bottle |
Finn's First Bottle |
Sleeping Girl |
Snug as a Bug (Harper) |
Calling it a night! |
Thanks for the post guys, it's great to see them interacting with each other! The slap is funny :)
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for you guys to be able to be home and settled! You've been on quite a journey since the holidays.
Love ya! John