Harper |
Finn |
We were a swirl of emotions falling somewhere between total excitement and fright at the idea of taking home these preemie babies and assuming responsibility for them. Luckily the NICU staff trained us well and so far we've managed to keep them fed and warm so far... They even had a bath and tummy time : ) The twins also met their "best friend" who's been patiently awaiting their arrival. Ella was very interested in the babies but listened well and sniffed from a distance. She's since been super comfortable around them, I guess she's decided she'll claim them as part of the family.
While they are sleeping peacefully at the moment, I can't say that was the case the first night. We were all a little anxious about the change, even Ella who woke up whining every hour. Finn definitely knew major changes had taken place and he spent the night trying to chit chat about it versus getting some shut eye. But I'm happy to report night #2 was 100% better!
So now we are on to the next phase of our lives where we are essentially on quarantine at the house for the next few months. Hopefully once the sun starts shining and summer hits, the twins can make their debut into society. But until then, it'll be a pretty quiet existence, that is until they start working on their crying skills!
Thank you for all your support through our hospitalization, we've had countless friends and family really go out of their way for us, thank you!!
As the visitation remains limited until flu season is over and they get a bit more stable, we'll keep going with the blog to keep anyone interested up to speed on the latest.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Love, Allie, Greg, Harper & Finley